Look at all the art classes before year-end
The Art Club continues to offer many classes before 2024 comes to a close. Classes are open to any resident or renter in PebbleCreek, but always cost $20 more for non-members. With membership just $25, it makes sense to join the club! Please click on the date for more information and to register.
Nov. 19 & 23, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Landscapes in Oil/Acrylic/Watercolor with Ed Sprafkin
This class has two sessions - you do NOT need to have taken any prior classes. The Instructor is adept in various media and the principles of painting stay the same across mediums. Instructor uses traditional oil paints without toxic solvents; no turpentine, turpenoid, gamsol, or any other odorless vapor-harmful liquid.
Nov 21, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Graphite Pencil Drawing with Carla Cebrelli
This is a comprehensive class that’s loaded with information about composition, shapes, angles, space and value. Learn how to start a drawing correctly by creating the right “foundation”. It leads to success every time!
Nov. 24, 1-4 p.m. Acrylic Painting Tutorial with Julie Larsson
This is a beginner class - ALL SUPPLIES INCLUDED ! Now's the chance to learn about acrylic painting - and you'll go home with a completed painting!
Dec. 3, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pet Pastels with Beverly Bradshaw
Learn how to make your pet look alive in pastels. The first hour will be a demonstration an Q&A, followed by four hours when she will help each student with their work.
Dec. 10 & 17, 10 a.m - 2 p.m. Landscapes in Oil/Acrylic/Watercolor with Ed Sprafkin
This class has two sessions - you do NOT need to have taken any prior classes. The Instructor is adept in various media and the principles of painting stay the same across mediums. Instructor uses traditional oil paints without toxic solvents; no turpentine, turpenoid, gamsol, or any other odorless vapor-harmful liquid.
Dec. 20, 1 a.m. - 1 p.m. Graphite Pencil Drawing with Carla Cebrelli
Beginners to advanced artist will learn the fundamentals needed to create realistic drawings.